Bearman Cartoon: Tiger Woods

12 5 09 Bearman Cartoon Tiger Woods

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53 Responses to “Bearman Cartoon: Tiger Woods”

  1. Classic! That is the perfect Tiger poster, right there!

  2. Susi Spice Says:

    LOL bearman one of your best works to date that I have seen. good one!

  3. frigginloon Says:

    And he certainly did that. And Elin showed him her shaft!

  4. Sounds reasonable to me

  5. “I can’t help that every other girl wanted to see it too. Should I have said no?”

  6. You always get penalized for driving down the wrong fairway.

  7. I thought I’d seen/heard enough Tiger Woods jokes for a lifetime. I was wrong!

  8. ROFL Superb 😀

  9. spilledinkguy Says:

    There’s a joke (ala Lewinski-gate) regarding a hook or a slice in there somewhere, but I’d rather not go any further …

  10. I heard he’s changed his name from Tiger to Cheetah now. 😀 Nice comic, you captured him perfectly, you caricaturist, you.

  11. Perfect punch line. The kind that makes everyone say, “wait, why didn’t I think of that?!”

  12. bad blog lol
    this is fair game….post more tiger woods toons lol

  13. Susi Spice Says:

    maybe Tiger Woods is collecting 18 holes?

  14. Great toon Bear, play it where it lies.

  15. Tee-riffic, Bearman!

    (I’m going for the rejected Reader’s Digest version of hilarity-ensuing compliments)

  16. ( In the tune of Frosty the Snowman) Humpity Hump Hump Look at Tiger Go !!! 🙂

  17. oh……wow.

    hopefully he trims the hedges a bit

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