Crabby Old Fart PSA

The Crabby Old Fart blog is written by the fictional, fabricated, imaginary great Donald Mills.  He uses his remaining days on earth to lambast young people and their ways.

Just the other day he was complaining about the lack of romance among young people.  To which I responded that obviously there was such little romance back in his day that the government had to create anti Venereal Disease PSA posters like this one.

His response was this:

Besides, I’m all for public service posters designed to scare the Hell out of young people.

You might consider putting your cartoonmanship to similar use. How about whipping up a poster on the dangers of falling while wearing ill-iftting trousers? Or of walking in front of a moving vehicle while playing Donkey Kong on your Iphone?

Better than his suggestions, I thought the best PSA I could give the world would be this one.

8 6 09 Donald Mills2 copy

Visit at your own risk.

36 Responses to “Crabby Old Fart PSA”

  1. Hey Bearman..

    I’ve been reading some of your posts over at Don’s place, and thought I’d come by and see your cartoons. At first this one seemed to be a little disparaging to Don, but after looking through your cartoons, I gotta say you have some amazing talent! I wish I had the talent to draw like you do. I just have ideas.

    The Nerd

    • Ideas are all you need. I am not one who believes you have to be a great toonist (personally I don’t think I am esp when I see all the talent around the internet). Ideas are more important. I can’t remember it off the top of my head but there is a very popular cartoon that just uses stick figures. So go for it.

  2. I meant to say something about this amazing announcement over there at Crabby’s place, but forgot. What a resemblance! Great job Bear! I’m sure Don really appreciates the time and effort put into it. What about a troll or a bean or something like that, next? 😉

  3. Once again my many thanks Bearman. I think you’ve captured my intestinal fortitude, devlish good looks and judging nature quite well.

    And I certainly do appreciate both the time and effort.


  4. The PSA was fabulous, Bear. And look at how much appreciation Don has for you. I think his cardigan is about to burst with pride.

  5. ah man…..great post! very cool of you bearman….Don deserves the accolades..!!

  6. spilledinkguy Says:

    HA! Have you pitched this to the networks yet? 🙂

  7. btw, that comic is really good! i’m sure he will be most pleased….great job- forgot to mention….

  8. I just had a look at the crabbyoldfart site….. excelent! – going to have to subscribe to updates there too i think 😉

    Great job with the panel

  9. I’m gonna subscribe to his blog now, thanks to you 🙂

  10. Lol. Well – talk about some free publicity! Good work….now I have to go read his blog

  11. I’ve run into the blog a few times before, and Don is hilarious. I love your cartoon of him, too. It’s dead on.

  12. LOL… this is a great link and man, I totally dig that poster!

  13. this is b.s.

    there hasn’t been any sort of a PSA issued about me. i guess i’m still safe and recommended for all audiences in large doses!

  14. You are brilliant. You even angled his follically abundant eyebrows perfectly.

    …this makes the snuggy and matching slippers I got him seem a little anti-climactic.

  15. ps. Don’t tell Don about the snuggy…he thinks I’m on a mission to eradicate them.

    (probably because I told him that)

  16. Don’s a class act. One of the blogs that makes blogging fun. Always enjoy it.

  17. Donald is the man, he sure tells it like it is

  18. […] at Two Yorks and a Bean affectionately known around the blogosphere as YNB was a little jealous of my PSA for Donald Mills at the Crabby Old […]

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